Online Short Course Basic Nutrition
Nutrition foundation of Pakistan is proud to introduce THE BASIC NUTRITION course that consist of most current and comprehensive knowledge providing a guide for empowering students and general public to make meaningful nutritional changes in their daily life that make meaningful and lasting health and behavior changes.
Understanding of the outline of nutrition is very helpful in prevention and management of nutritional deficiencies, and design by providing a more complete picture of the basic nutritional knowledge, this course function as a trusted career resource that can be utilized by any current or future professional of Nutrition.
Upon Completion of This Course The Student Will Be Able To;
• Understand the basic concept of Nutrition
• Identify and classify food and food stuffs, knowing their composition properties nutritive value bioavailability sensory and economic characteristics
• Interpret and apply nutrition concept to evaluate and improve the nutrition health of are their families , community.
• Examine and evaluate the relationship between food and nutrition in health and /or illness
• Design and carrying out health status assessment and identify nutritional risk factors
• Critically assess and know how to use and apply information sources related to nutrition, food, lifestyle and health.
Starting from 5 September
Contents: Needs, Classifications, and Utilization of Various Nutrients.
Certificates will be awarded to participants
Fees: PKR 5000 for All; PKR 4500 for NFP Alliance members; PKR 4000 for NFP RDNs, PKR 3500 for Students
MCB- Bahadurabad IBAN: PK64MUCB0539242631004834
Link For Registration:


MPhil, MSc